The constitution on the sacred liturgy from the Second Vatican Council said that, “The two The Constitution on the sacred liturgy of the Second Vatican Council said that "The tparts which, in a sense, go to make up the Mass; the liturgy of the word and the eucharistic liturgy are so closely connected with each other that they form but a single act of worship.” In the first part of the Mass God speaks to his people through the scriptures and in the homily; in the Liturgy of the Eucharist, God’s people respond by giving thanks and praise. The Mass is a united act in which we are nourished by God’s life-giving word and His life-giving body.
Mass is celebrated at St. Denis at a Saturday Vigil and three Sunday services. Weekday liturgies are held daily with the exception of Wednesdays. Monday’s liturgy is preceeded by Novena Prayers. Morning Masses are preceded by the Rosary. Confessions are heard Saturdays one half hour before Mass or
by appointment. Please call the Rectory for Mass times.
If you wish to have a Mass said for a living or deceased loved one, please contact the Rectory. The suggested stipend for each Mass is $10 and Mass cards are available at the Rectory.
Special services for sacramental events such as baptisms and weddings are available by appointment. Please visit the Sacraments page for more information on the Sacraments, or call the Rectory for specific information.
St. Denis holds funeral Masses at the convenience of the family. Memorial booklets may be created and distributed at the Funeral Mass upon request, providing that all information is received in adequate time for printing. A special Bereavement Ministry of volunteers assists the Pastor in supporting the family of the deceased. Funeral arrangements are usually coordinated through a funeral director.
Located on Manchaug Street in Douglas, this beautiful site is the final resting place for many in Douglas’ history. For information on how to purchase a new lot please call the Rectory.
The weekly bulletin is completed by the Monday prior to the weekend. If you have a bulletin announcement, please have it prepared and delivered to the rectory no later than 9:00 a.m. on Monday.
Articles found in the church after Masses are held for a short time. Any item not claimed within a reasonable amount of time will be donated to charity. Inquiries may be made at the Rectory.