St. Denis offers parishioners many different opportunities to share their blessings with the parish community and with those who are in need.
All parishioners should be registered as a part of our parish census. Your support by your weekly worship at Mass and your financial contribution is needed and appreciated. Printed envelopes with a personal identification number are available. Using printed envelopes enables us to keep an accurate record of your donations for tax purposes. If you have not registered or do not receive envelopes, please call the Rectory. You can also choose to give online. Weekly donations automatically deducted from your chosen account help the parish budget, as they are made even when you are away, visiting other parishes, or unable to attend due to illness.
Every year each parishioner in every parish of our diocese is asked to contribute to the Bishop’s Fund. This fund provides direct assistance to many agencies throughout our diocese that help to support the hungry, the homeless, the frail, and the sick. Your help goes beyond that. Every parishioner, at some point, has benefited from the Partners in Charity program. Every Catholic School and Parish Religious Education program benefits from part of your gift. Marriage preparation programs, clergy, and deacon education as well as many other human service, spiritual, and educational activities exists to provide service through your goodness to this vital campaign. Every parish has a financial goal to be met. Let us be Christ for others by sharing our God-given gifts with others through a pledge to the Bishop’s Fund.
The Food Pantry for the town of Douglas is located in the basement of the St. Denis Rectory. It is open to any resident of Douglas who is in need of assistance. Donations to the Food Pantry may be left inside the entrance to the Church. Anyone in need of assistance may call the Rectory for an appointment to use the Pantry.
St. Denis’ Spiritual Adoption Program encourages others to pray for babies in danger of abortion, educates people about the development of the pre-born child, and provides mothers in need with baby giftsx or monetary donations at the conclusion of the program (see Mother's Love Program below). The program begins in August and runs for nine months, ending in May. Simply pledge to pray for a baby who was conceived during the month of August. Decide if you are praying for a boy or a girl, and pick a name for your chosen baby. Take two pledge papers for the baby you are praying for - one to put into the cradle in the church and one to take home and keep. Also take a prayer card. Write down the name that you chose and your name at the bottom. Developmental updates will be posted in the bulletin and on the website. This program will conclude in May with the "Mother's Love" program that our CWC sponsors. Please contact the Rectory for more information.
St. Denis’ Mother’s Love Program is sponsored by the Catholic Women’s Council in association with Catholic Charities to provide assistance to single mothers or mothers at risk. The program benefits children of all ages as well as those in foster care. During the month of May parishioners may choose a tag from the front of the church. Each tag lists a specific item needed. Unwrapped gifts are collected at the end of May for distribution. The program is designed so as not to disclose the identities of the participating families, children or parish members. Please contact the Rectory for more information.
Over the centuries, a significant number of customs and traditional observances have emerged to make the extended Christmas season one of the most colorful and festive times of the year. The most universal, the exchange of gifts, remains a central feature of this holiday season throughout the world.
Unfortunately, there are families within our own parish whose resources either hinder or limit their participation. St. Denis is able to assist these families through its sponsorship of a child through this Christmas program. Members of our parish can sponsor a specific child (gender and age) by choosing a tag from the Christmas Giving Tree. Each tag lists either an article of clothing or a toy desired by that child. In early December, the wrapped and tagged gifts are placed beneath the Giving Tree, ready for distribution to the family. The program is designed so as not to disclose the identities of the participating families, children, parish members, or program directors. Please contact the Rectory for more information.
St. Denis parish will always need the help of its members in a multitude of ways. Some have been listed below, many have been described in this directory, and many are waiting to be discovered. If you would like to become active in your parish community, please call the Rectory to volunteer for the following activities:
• Hospitality Volunteers
• Public Relations
• Driving Volunteers
• Photographers/Videographers
• Faith Formation
• Youth Ministry
• Bakers
• Decorators
• Any other service or assistance you can provide!