In the celebration of the Mass we raise our hearts, minds, and voices to God. As creatures composed of body as well as spirit, we also pray with our bodies. During Mass we assume different postures: standing, kneeling, and sitting. We also make a variety of gestures: bowing, signing ourselves, shaking hands as a sign of peace, processing to the altar. These postures and gestures are not merely ceremonial. They carry a profound meaning when done consciously, with understanding and faith. Through these postures and gestures, we participate in the liturgy more attentively.
Standing is a sign of respect and honor. From the earliest days of the Church, standing has been understood as the stance of those who are risen with Christ and seek the things that are above (see Colassians 5). When we stand for prayer, we are assuming our stature before God as a people redeemed by the blood of Christ. We stand when the celebrant and te other ministers process into the Church. We stand for the Gospel because we acknowledge that it is Chris himself speaking to us when it is proclaimed. The bishops of the United States have chosen standing as the normal posture for the reception of Holy Communion in this country.
Kneeling signified penitence in the early Church: The awareness of our sin casts us to the ground! In the Middle Ages, kneeling came to signify the homage of a vassal before his liege lord. More recently, kneeling has come to signify humble adoration. It is for this reason that the bishops of the United States have chosen the posture of kneeling for the assembly during the Eucharistic Prayer, from after singing the Holy, Holy, until after singing the Great Amen.
Sitting is the posture of attentive listening and of meditation. So the assembly sits for the readings before the Gospel and the homily, and may also sit for the period of meditation after Holy Communion.
Postures for the Parts of the Mass
Parts of the Mass |
Postures |
From the start of Mass until the first reading
From the first reading until the beginning of the Gospel Acclamation
From the beginning of the Gospel Acclamation until the end of the Gospel
During the Homily
Sit |
From the beginning of the Creed to teh end of the general intercessions
Stand |
From the preparation of the gifts until the end of "Pray, brothers and sisters..."
Sit |
From the beginning of "May the Lord accept this sacrifice..." until the end of the "Holy, Holy..."
Stand |
During the Eucharistic Prayer
Kneel |
From the beginning of the Our Father until the beginning of the Lamb of God
Stand |
From the end of the Lamb of God until the distribution of Holy Communion
Kneel |
When receiving Holy Communion