Organized: 1918
Mission: To share the value of religion with the Catholic Women of St. Denis, to further charitable and educational interests, and to assist in parish activities.
Dues: $10.00/year, payable at the September meeting
The Catholic Women’s Council (CWC) consists of Catholic women, 18 years of age or older (with some exceptions made), of the parish who meet every second Thursday evening in Keresey Hall. Monthly meetings usually start at 6:30 pm and are held from September to December and March to June. The meetings begin with prayer, and consist of a business part and a social part. The Council offers guest speakers, nights of reflection, a Christmas party, retreats, and many opportunities to assist in parish activities. The Council welcomes new members to join in sharing the faith and talent that God has gifted them with. For information on becoming a member please contact the Rectory.
The Catholic Women's Council was founded in St. Denis on November 24, 1918. At the outbreak of World War I, women of our parish joined the war effort at home by knitting for our men in the military service. From time to time they would meet for various projects of patriotic and charitable causes. Throughout the 1920s, the Council met in the church, in members' homes, and even on lawns during warm weather. Funds were raised by staging plays, and by saving newspapers and magazines. A series of whist parties were held to raise money to buy a chalice for the men in army camps. Their efforts continued during the 1930s and 1940s, supporting service men and women with prayers and letters of encouragement. In 1951, the first by-laws and constitution of the Catholic Women's Council were drawn up and adopted. Today, the CWC is very active in parish activities and community needs.
St. Denis Catholic Women's Council