As a growing community of worshippers, we the family of St. Denis seek to be united in faith and prayer, to worship God and to serve all His people. We desire to be active witnesses to God’s presence among us, and we dedicate ourselves to answer Christ’s call to love and serve one another in this ever-changing world. We seek to reach out to all, by inviting them to join in celebration through weekly worship at Mass, and by offering many opportunities for them to share their time, talent and treasure throughout the year. As a worshipping family, we accept our responsibility to spread the Good News of Jesus, to strengthen our faith for our families, and to extend that faith to the community and those in need.
From the Pastor's Desk
Like the Father in Jesus’ Parable, we in our community of Saint Denis, open our arms to welcome and embrace in love, all of God's children. Here, we as disciples of Christ, know that we are living in times of challenge and changes. With the love of God and the stewardship of all our parishioners and visitors, we will be up to all the challenges and to embrace the changes with a heart full of joy, faith, and hope.
There is no bigger joy than to serve the Lord by being a community rooted in the Eucharistic celebration, living deeply the Gospel of Christ the Lord, and practicing our faith in a love that transforms lives and changes culture. We value Eternal Life as the most important goal of our lives. For that reason, we do all in our power to fulfill God’s will in building up his Kingdom here in Douglas, MA.
May our personal journey of faith and transformation, be in communion with the whole community so what we do as individuals, may benefit all, and bring us all to God.
Let us remember Jesus’ words after His resurrection: “Do not be afraid”. We trust in Him therefore we do not fear, we just love.
Father Nelson Rivera
New Parishioners
St. Denis warmly welcomes all newcomers to our parish! If you have been attending mass regularly, but have not taken the opportunity to register with the church, we invite you to do so at this time. There are many opportunities for you to be more involved in our community that are outlined on this web site. Watch the bulletin for events here at St. Denis and the Diocese or call the Rectory for further information on how you can become more involved.
Parishioners, Family Members & Friends
If you know of someone who is ill at home or hospitalized and is in need of prayer, or who is unable to celebrate the Eucharist with us in the church because of age or illness, please contact the Rectory.